Creating Worlds Out of Nothing

Join us on a journey where passion meets innovation, and games come to life out of nothing.

Our Mission

We are an indie game development studio based in Austin, Texas dedicated to forging immersive experiences from the void of imagination.


Our current project, a tactical looter shooter about uncovering the hidden truths of alien relics, obscured by the dangers lurking on the planet's surface.

Our Core Values


We believe in the boundless potential of creativity to shape extraordinary gaming experiences. Our team embodies this characteristic, driven by innovative storytelling and immersive design to redefine the gaming landscape.


We uphold integrity as the cornerstone of our studio. Our team operates with honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct, ensuring that every interaction and decision reflects our commitment to integrity.


At our studio, passion fuels everything we do. Our team is driven by an unwavering enthusiasm for game development, pouring heart and soul into every project.