Our Story

With passion as our raw material and innovation as our tool, we breathe life into worlds that transcend the ordinary. Our mission is to create games that inspire, challenge, and transport players into realms born Exnihilo – out of nothing, into everything.

At Exnihilo Games, we are continuously seeking talented individuals who share our enthusiasm for crafting captivating games and immersive worlds. Contact us to explore opportunities for joining the Exnihilo team and contributing your unique skills to our creative endeavors.

Our Team

Colton Covert

Lead Game Designer

Colton Covert is a natural born Texan and the Lead Game Designer at Ex Nihilo games. With a fervent passion for game design, world-building, and creative writing, Colton brings a distinctive blend of imagination and technical prowess to each project. Outside the realms of virtual landscapes, Colton finds solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. Whether he's navigating scenic hiking trails, tearing up the Texas Hill Country on his dirtbike, or simply reveling in the natural beauty of the outdoors, he embraces every opportunity to recharge. Immersed in Austin's vibrant culture and thriving game development community, Colton is dedicated to crafting captivating and unforgettable gaming experiences.

Olivia Barton

Art Lead

Olivia serves as Exnihilo's Art Lead, specializing in the creation of 3D game assets. Graduating from Texas A&M in 2021 with a degree in Visualization, Olivia brings a wealth of creativity to her role. On her days off she enjoys hiking in the parks around downtown Austin or going to new coffee shops and sketching out ideas.

Ryan Bennett

Lead Programmer

Ryan Bennett leads our programming team at Exnihilo with expertise honed through a Computer Science degree from Texas State University, which he graduated from in 2019. Beyond coding, he enjoys exploring virtual worlds through video games and delving into to a new scifi book. He has always had a love for videogames, which has fueled his desire to work in the game industry.